The Idea
To setup a bidirectional communication channel between
STR91x MCU and a PC over a TCP/IP connection.
Main Components
The Demo
I developed this application starting from the STR912 ARM9 demo
project included in the standard distribution of FreeRTOS . Should you
be interested in this demo, feel free to look at FreeRTOS documentation page for additional information.
Figure 1 - Block diagram
Figure 1 shows the involved tasks running in the STR910-EVAL board
and the relation with the PC key components.
- tcp/ip task: lwIP (version 1.3.0) stack runs as an independent task. It provides a
system service. A network application could communicate with the stack
through a message exchange paradigm, implemented by the lwIP serial API (I prefer to use the Netconn API to interface with the stack).
- httpd task: it implements a simple web server. It uses the lwIP
serial API in order to interface with the stack.
- calc task: this task waits for an incoming TCP connection over the
application defined port. When the connection is up, it starts to receive and
execute commands, and then it sends back the result. The remote client could
close the connection by sending the application defined command.
The demo uses the web server to provide to the browser, running on the PC,
an html page containing a java applet. Once the applet is loaded, it opens a
TCP connection with the calc task.
For more information look at the demo source files, especially the following files:
- net_launch_srv.c
- httpd.c
- NetCalcApp.c
More details...
The following pages try to provide a more detailed explanation of the demo architecture and source files.
For any question about this demo, please don't hesitate to contact me at
Latest news
New Bug report
For more information see the Known issues section.
Posted Jan 31, 2009, 10:20 AM by Stefano Oliveri
Open Discussion and Support
I created an open forum to discuss about this demo and to request support.The forum is at post in the forum, please ...
Posted Jan 2, 2009, 2:05 PM by Stefano Oliveri
Added "The network tasks" section.
I received some requests asking to add more materials and / or an user manual. I'm sorry but I have not enough time to write an user manual. I added ...
Posted Dec 13, 2008, 1:34 PM by Stefano Oliveri
Added new section
I added a section to allow you to leave a feedback or post a question: "Questions, Suggestions, Bugs, and..."I'll appreciate your feedback.
Posted Sep 23, 2008, 2:19 PM by Stefano Oliveri
Updated "The startup sequence" section
This page describes what happen when the system startups with regards to all network related task.
Posted Sep 15, 2008, 3:22 AM by Stefano Oliveri
Known issues
Problem connecting STR9 board to internet
Some user, using the demo with lwIP version 1.2.0, reported problems connecting the STR9 board to the internet under certain network configuration. Please upgrade to lwIP version 1.3.0 to fix the problem.
The system hung when query the debug.htm page
The problem is fixed. Please, see the
latest news section for more information.
The Network Calculator is unable to connect to the board.
Everything is working fine, except the calculator. After press the
On button the following error message is displayed: "Error: unable to connect the board."
For more information on the problem and its solution, please refer the
Eclipse version of the demo.
Questions, Suggestions, Bugs, and...
Every feedback is welcome. If you have a suggestion to improve a demo or the web pages, it's ok. If you found a bug in a demo, please let me know. If you have an idea to improve a demo, I'm pleasure to discuss about it. If you have any questions about a demo, I hope to have the answer!
If you want leave a feedback, please use this web page.
Users wishing to obtain support could also use the Open Forum.