OpenPOWERLINK demo (STM32)

Last updated July 22, 2010

The Idea

To port the Open Source implementation of the industrial communication profile Ethernet POWERLINK on STM32 Connectivity line family.

Fig. 1 - System Architecture

Main Components

  • STM3210C-EVAL evaluation board.
  • OpenPOWERLINK stack. Tested with version v1.6.
  • real time scheduler - tested with version 6.0.1.
  • OpenOCD  On-Chip debug solution for embedded target systems. Tested with version 0.4.0 RELEASE. 
  • Eclipse open development platform. Tested with version Galileo SR2.
  • Versaloon hardware IF.

The Demo

This demo project was developed by Massimo Trubia ( and Alessio Tognazzolo ( for taking their degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Catania (Italy). I had the pleasure to follow the boys during their adventure... may be they were not so happy to use my Eclipse based IDE during this time! They are good beta-tester! :-)
So I deci
ded to write this web page to show their work and to make them my personal congratulation.

Main result

The Multi-Tasking API layer provides a system level service in order to use the POWERLINK stack in the multi-tasking environment provided by FreeRTOS.

Fig. 2 - Multi-tasking API

A generic user task interacts with the stack trough the multi-tasking API That serialize the access to the openPOWERLINK task, as shown in Fig. 2.


The openPOWERLINK is a project designed for a PC environment that has less limited resources than an embedded system. Under this scenario, the most critical resource of STM32 was the SRAM. Its limited dimension has not allowed to include the lwIP stack in the demo project and it was also needed to cut off some openPOWERLINK components.

More details...

Massimo and Alessio have published their work on Internet. Feel free to look at the following web page for more information:


You find all software and firmware needed to run this demo at the following web page:

Questions, Suggestions, Bugs, and...

Every feedback is welcome. If you have a suggestion to improve a demo or the web pages, it's ok. If you found a bug in a demo, please let me know. If you have an idea to improve a demo, I'm pleasure to discuss about it. If you have any questions about a demo, I hope to have the answer (by asking to Alessio and Massimo)!

Please use the Open Forum to discuss about this demo.

All the code is developed for test purpose and it is unsupported. The author assumes no responsibility for any damage caused by improper uses.